William Grover Arnett embarked on his legal journey in 1989, fueled by a passion for justice. Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from Alice Lloyd College and later attaining his Juris Doctorate from North Kentucky University’s Salmon P. Chase College of Law, Arnett swiftly rose to prominence. By 1991, he had established a thriving legal practice in Salyersville, Kentucky, solidifying his presence in the state.
Specializing in personal injury law for over two decades, Arnett has become a recognized authority in Social Security disability and Kentucky workers’ compensation. His clientele, spanning the entirety of Kentucky, is drawn not only by his affordability but also by his unparalleled expertise, especially in Social Security disability cases. Arnett’s role extends beyond that of a personal attorney; from 1994 to 1999, he served as the Magoffin County Attorney, achieving a remarkable 95 percent conviction rate for DUI offenses and contributing to Knott County’s first marijuana cultivation conviction.